Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What Must I Do in My Note-Taking to Describe What is Going on Around Me?

The following is an essay for my English 1 course.

    What should I do to describe what's going on around me? It's a valid question...and one that's been posed by hundreds and hundreds of writers. Here's my answer: adjectives.
    I love adjectives. I think they're descriptive, helpful, insightful, and easy to use. There, I just used four! Adjectives are commonly described as 'describing words'. They're words that provide details about something, namely a noun or a verb. I used the adjective helpful to describe the word adjective!
    The reason I would use them to describe the world around me, is that they are so easy to comprehend! Looking back on my notes and understanding what was going on when I wrote them would be a cinch. Just read the base sentences, and then add in the adjectives. They'll help you get a very clear, very detailed view of what was going on.

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